Call Center Services

We provide order-taking and customer inquiry support for all your locations. This includes, if technologically available order status, job inquiries, directions, and a myriad of other inbound phone calls that may come through. Our goal is to answer all of the phone calls that come through to let your staff focus on what they do best!

Business Intelligence & Data Analytics

Small and medium sized restaurant chains have limited resources to utilize Big Data to gain valuable insight to win market share and deliver a better customer experience. Bistro BPO brings the capability of large restaurant chains to gain insights with Business Intelligence (BI) tools. Our services include data warehouses, dashboards, reports, data discovery tools, and cloud data services. These tools make it possible to extract the insights from your data. These services help you know more about your restaurant business.

Live Chat Support

Our customer care experts are available 24/7 on live chat! We prioritize our client’s business and make sure that their customers are well taken care of.

Call Center Flow: